Madness Cage Fighting
Since 2019, we have been a partner of the Madness Cage Fighting Federation, which brings together amateur and professional MMA fighters, sanctioned by the Polish MMA Federation. For five years, the event has been a real celebration of this wonderful sport.
you will see more here about this event
Bieg Szlak Trafi is a cycling cross-country running event that promotes running, including ultra-distance (55km) and other forms of motor activity, integrates the cross-country environment and provides entertainment for the whole family. It takes place every year for 5 years.
Since the first edition (2013) we are the strategic sponsor of this event.

The needs of fosterlings are different. The resources of the management of the facility do not always manage to spend on extra expenses. Whether it’s a new pinstripe dress or a driving license for a motorbike – giving something that’s normal in the ordinary family – fulfilling a dream, it will help kids raise their self-esteem, thereby increasing their chances of success in adulthood.
That is why we support the local Orphanage for several years.